Keep the Lottery working for our Great Outdoors

The Minnesota Lottery protects our lakes and Great Outdoors

Whether you like hiking along Lake Superior, fishing, or simply enjoying nature in your neighborhood, love for the Great Outdoors is something we all share.

Helping preserve what makes Minnesota special is the backbone of the Lottery funding—and renewing this critical and impactful funding source is an opportunity that Minnesota can’t afford to miss.

Lottery funding in action

The Lottery funds over $80 million per year in projects. This includes everything from protecting endangered species in Voyageurs National Park to funding pollinator-friendly lawn grants to homeowners.

Minnesotans overwhelmingly support Lottery funds for the environment

Minnesotans love the Great Outdoors and have a history of standing up to preserve and protect it. Each time Minnesotans have been asked to approve this amendment, over 70% have voted yes.

Minnesota lottery funding is critical to projects that conserve and protect our water, land, and wildlife.

But if voters do NOT vote YES in 2024 to renew, lottery dollars will no longer go to protecting our Great Outdoors.